While sparse data makes accurate measurement difficult, most would agree violence and lawlessness are increasing in many parts of PNG. The broader context for this violence includes: rural decay ...
This year’s PNG Update marks a decade since it was instituted in 2014 as a purpose-driven program to have economic-related updates around the country to be presented by researchers in all professions.
搜尋政府決策局、部門及有關機構的網站。 請注意: 此表格並非用作處理查詢或投訴,如需協助,請致電(852)183 5500或電郵[email protected] 聯絡24小時服務的支援中心。 多謝!你的意見只會用 ...
網站提供由工業貿易署轄下的「中小企業支援與諮詢中心」(SUCCESS)、香港貿易發展局的「中小企服務中心」、香港生產力促進局的「中小企一站通」、香港科技園公司的TecONE,以及各政府決策 ...