But Ford predicted that when imperialism vanished – and by imperialism he meant “spoliation of subject races” — it would be read for its “poetry.” No book that traces the lashings ...
A conversation with Alexis Pauline Gumbs, one of the world's foremost experts on the Black feminist writer, on her biography ...
The charge is easily made that simply by using the words ‘imperialism’ and ‘empire’ a host of complex and debatable issues are prejudged and cast into a misleading and inappropriate mould. Certainly ...
It is hardly an exaggeration to say that Venezuelans went to the polls with a gun to their heads. Fighting back against US-led imperialism and its corporate media artillery begins by recognizing this ...
The biggest story of our time is not the US presidential election or Elon Musk’s ego. It is our destruction of the natural ...
To that extent, he's tremendously important.But the change wasn't always good, and it wasn't always good forthose people whom he -- and I put this in quotes --'discovered.' So,therefore ...
The United States has had no qualms about casting its lot with the most openly and thoroughly racist regime Israel has ever ...
But an unimaginative ‘democratic capitalist’ Republican regime, early in 1991, committed the United States, very possibly, to a new imperialism ... Kirk quotes “a well-known literary ...
However, to conflate the modern age of technology with the old era of imperialism is faulty.
Class conflict was left behind, and Marxism was transformed into an ideology of liberating the people from the oppressive ...